Human, Social, And Cultural Practices For Rural Electrification Using Microgrids

Human, Social, And Cultural Practices For Rural Electrification Using Microgrids

Microgrid System Laboratory

December 2014
Principal author and researcher: Christian E. Casillas, Ph.D.
Point of contact: David Breecker, Managing Director

Full Paper (PDF) Here

The process of rural electrification has been happening for over 100 years, but is incomplete. This paper presents techniques and practices that provide a flow of information between the community and developers.

The promise of electrification

Alternatives for the delivery of rural energy services
Review of best practices
Broadening electricity access
Electrification for cost recovery
Human, social, and cultural factors toolkit
Regional mapping
Community engagement
Developing community partners
Understanding community composition and key characteristics
Understanding development history and vision
Developing community baseline data
Divulging costs and benefits of electrification
Ownership structure
Local resource assessment
Community demand and productive use
Technical design
Financial design
Developing and implementing an HSC toolkit
Development code of ethics

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